Creatively Managing and Resolving Disputes

The Art of Mediation

THE ART OF MEDIATION is to put parties back in control of their dispute. I will guide you through a custom-built process; from assessment through to an acceptable outcome. I work to ensure that this process is as painless as possible and minimises the drain on your resources.

My top 5 tips are:

  • Take control of your dispute. It is yours. It does not belong to your lawyer, the other side or any interested party (unless your insurers have taken it on over, in which case, it is their dispute).
  • Know all your relevant facts, evidence, applicable law and monetary wins or losses. Then take a bird’s eye view, impossible as it may seem! How will you feel about this dispute in 10 days, weeks, months, years, regardless of the outcome.
  • Know your best & worst outcomes and your deal breakers at mediation.
  • Understand what will happen if you do not resolve this dispute at mediation. Weigh up all the consequences and understand your worst-case scenario? Disputes often resolve after mediation, prior to litigation.
  • Be commercial, objective and really listen.
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